Delivering compassionate, friendly customer service
across Ontario since 1999.
About Axxess Imaging
Imagine being faced with a painful, disabling injury or a life altering medical condition only to be told it will take weeks, if not months, to access the diagnostic equipment necessary to ascertain the source, severity, and remedy of your problem. Unfortunately, this is often the situation faced by thousands of Ontario citizens every year as a result of the current and ongoing OHIP caseload backlog and for those falling outside the system. The principal's at Axxess Imaging have over twenty four years of hands on experience at providing state of the art, "expedited medical diagnostics" normally within 24 to 72 hours from initial contact. Functioning as your highly knowledgeable and trusted advocate within the complicated and sometimes bureaucratic universe of the medical industry, our years of experience and vast network of contacts places you at the front of the line for third party diagnostics, providing expedited access to the best, world class diagnostic equipment and medical professionals in their field.
Saving Canadian Businesses Time And Money
On the job injuries collectively cost Canadian companies billions of dollars annually. Time is money and at Axxess Imaging we are in the business to help protect your business's bottom line. Our satisfied customers include some of the who's who of Fortune 500 companies and other businesses or organizations requiring immediate access to MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT (Computed Tomography), or CTA (Computed Tomography Angiography) exams for their clients or employees. Whether you are a patient, doctor, research institute, professional medical corporation, insurance company, law firm, professional sports organization, involved in WSIB claims or require Third Party private paid medical diagnostics, you've come to the right place. At Axxess Imaging we understand that business delays and down time can be costly, however, medical delays can be catastrophic!
Third Party Pay Under the Health Insurance Act
A "third party service" is a service that is provided by a physician, hospital or other service provider in connection with a request or requirement, made by a third party, that the service be provided to an insured person, or that information relating to an insured person be provided to the third party. The third party that makes the request or requirement is liable for payment to the service provider for the service provided to the insured person.(14) Regulations to the HIA specifically exclude from the definition of insured services any third party service which is received wholly or partly for the production of a document, or the transmission of information to the third party, if the document or the information relates to:
o admission to/continued attendance in a school/educational program
o admission to/continued attendance in a recreational/athletic club/program
o an application for/continuation of insurance
o an application for/continuation of a license
o entering/maintaining a contract
o an entitlement to benefits, including insurance or pension benefits
o obtaining/continuing employment
o an absence from/return to work
o legal requirements/proceedings(15)
4. Screening: "Screening" in the medical context is defined as the examination of a person with no symptoms to detect unsuspected disease. It usually relates to the detection of coronary disease or different types of cancer. Most forms of screening are not considered "medically necessary" and therefore do not constitute an insured service under the HIA.
5. Non-Residents: Under the HIA, only persons who are "ordinarily resident in Ontario", as well as other persons deemed to be residents under the Regulations to the HIA,(16) are entitled to become insured persons, and thereby entitled to receive insured services without charge. Therefore, medical services provided to non-residents in Ontario are not insured services under the HIA.
Message from Laura Miller, President
For over two plus decades I've had the privilege to work alongside the best medical minds across Canada specializing in the area of radiology.
Due to OHIP funding limitations and the demand that is placed on the system, long waiting times for non-emergency diagnostics exist. Specializing in “expedited medical diagnostics” Axxess Imaging can typically provide CT’s or MRI’s within 1-3 business days with a written report within 2 business by an Ontario licensed Radiologist. How fortunate I am to be involved in the medical industry in such a way as to dramatically and positively impact the lives of thousands of individuals over the years.
On a daily basis, cases are presented to me with a myriad of medical challenges beginning at the patient care level all the way up to assisting major corporations and businesses improve their bottom line. I believe what I do is my calling in life, as I am constantly rewarded by the sincere gratitude shown by my clients and reminded that Axxess Imaging is making a profound difference in the lives of others by just doing what we love.
Providing Diagnostic Services at:
gnmi mri & ct imaging
300 harwood avenue s.
ajax, ON. l1s2j1